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Enjoy Old El Paso Green enchilada sauce with your mexican style meals! It's a mild blend of mexican spices to add flavor to any meal. Mild hotness.

Green Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce - Mild

€ 3,89Prijs
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  • Vegetarian and Vegan.  10 oz


    Ingredients:  Water, Green Chile Pepper Puree, Green Chiles, Modified Corn Starch, Soybean Oil. Contains 2% or less of: Sugar, Salt, Jalapeno Pepper, Corn Syrup, Hydrolyzed Corn Protein, Citric Acid, Spice, Natural Flavor, Distilled Vinegar, Molasses, Celery Seed Extract, Garlic Powder, Artificial Color, Acetic Acid (Preservative), Calcium Chloride.


    Sausingrediënten: water, groene chilipeperpuree, groene chilipepers, gemodificeerd maïszetmeel, sojaolie. Bevat 2% of minder van: suiker, zout, jalapenopeper, glucosestroop, gehydrolyseerde maïsproteïne, citroenzuur, specerijen, natuurlijke smaak, gedistilleerde azijn, melasse, selderijzaadextract, knoflookpoeder, kunstmatige kleurstof, azijnzuur (conserveermiddel), Calciumchloride.


    Ingrédients de saus : eau, purée de piments verts, piments verts, amidon de maïs modifié, huile de soja. Contient 2 % ou moins de : sucre, sel, piment jalapeno, sirop de maïs, protéine de maïs hydrolysée, acide citrique, épice, arôme naturel, vinaigre distillé, mélasse, extrait de graine de céleri, poudre d'ail, colorant artificiel, acide acétique (conservateur), Chlorure de calcium.

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