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Finally back in stock! We recommend putting Hershey's kisses on each one..

Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie Mix

Out of Stock
  • 496 grams


    Ingredients: Enriched Flour Bleached (wheat flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), Sugar, Brown Sugar, Peanut Butter (peanuts, dextrose, hydrogenated canola and cottonseed oil, salt), Palm Oil, Baking Soda, Salt, Nonfat Milk.


    Ingrediënten: Verrijkte bloem, gebleekt (tarwebloem, niacine, ijzer, thiaminemononitraat, riboflavine, foliumzuur), suiker, bruine suiker, pindakaas (pinda's, dextrose, gehydrogeneerde koolzaad- en katoenzaadolie, zout), palmolie, zuiveringszout, zout , Magere melk.


    Ingrédients : Farine enrichie blanchie (farine de blé, niacine, fer, mononitrate de thiamine, riboflavine, acide folique), sucre, cassonade, beurre d'arachide (arachides, dextrose, huile de canola et de coton hydrogénées, sel), huile de palme, bicarbonate de soude, sel. , Lait allégé.

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